

If you were to GOOGLE SPOTFN SCAM I am sure that you would find alot of places with information on them or with comments from other users on the subject, but the best place is ripoffreport , copy paste that address in your address bar, that gets more views and they are all about the truth. They allow the company to contest the accusations but not many companies do.

There is also blogs such as mine to help you learn more information so that you can make a proper decisión as to what to do with your money. But for Gods sake do not invest with Spotfn or for that matter any company that has anything to do with binary options. Unless of course you are in it to lose your money.

There are places such as YouTube that advertise or have videos on how to make money with binary options, all crap. YOU CANNOT WIN!!!! Dont pay attention to them. Just another way to try and get your money. Out of all the clients in Spotfn I have only seen 2 that were winners and when they asked for a withdrawal Spotfn ignored them until after a month or so and then the person had no money left. Spotfn knows that if they dont pay them that the person will eventually lose and they wont have to pay.

2 thoughts on “MORE REVIEWS

  1. Scam Investigat​ion for SPOTFN 100% scam completed… You are not gonna like it

    Hi Robert Steinshouer ,

    It’s me, Ben. I have completed the scam investigation for SPOTFN 100% scam .

    The results below:

    Some of my friends reported issues with withdrawals, especially if a bonus was given by the broker.

    The Broker constantly asks you to trade more and more… but when you ask for a withdrawal request? It seems, they skip these emails. The balance stays untouched though, the broker just prolongs the withdrawal forever.

    I also have one VERY worrying claim from a trader (but cannot confirm it). It’s an attempt for pulling money out from customer’s credit card – GBP 650 !!!!

    If that’s not SCAM, I don’t know what is… honestly!

    I am not going to event comment their bonus policy, what’s the point if they are not going to let you withdraw the bonus.

    I hope you haven’t invested any money in SPOTFN 100% scam . If you still want to trade binary, I my top choices (for now) are:

    24option, Traderush, Boss Capital, Redwood (the last three are one company, but pretty good so far).

    And, Robert Steinshouer , I encourage you to join our community in Facebook to talk and expose these unethical scams!

    Stay Tuned,

    Ben S.

    On a personal note from me Robert Steinshouer, I believe that all Binary Options are scams but especially Spotfn. I requested this investigation without telling them who I was, just so you all know. Want to learn more ask I wll answer what ever question you have as best as posible.


    • All what is said above is 100% true. I hope this company can be stopped so other people cannot be ripped off by these idiots scum bags


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